Advanced Encryption Standard (ZTAES)
For testing purpose created a static instance called default
which takes a key of 16 or 32 characters and an iv of 16 characters
for Production try to create your own ZTAES object
var aes: ZTAES? = {
var key128 = "1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv"
let iv = "5tgb6yhn7ujm8ikl"
return ZTAES(key: key128, iv: iv)
Data representing key in utf8 format
Data representing iv in utf8 format
Advanced Encryption Standard, 128-bit block
Perform PKCS7 padding.
Electronic code book mode, default is CBC.
Encrypt option
Decrypt option
Status where operation completed normally
Evaluate a status, with needed status
Error Class used for ZTAES errors.
Initialize an optional ZTAES object
Can fail to initalize when key characters was not 16 chars or 32 cars, or initial vector
was not 16 chars. -
Encrypt raw data with kCCEncrypt option, returns encrypted data
Decrypt encrypted data with kCCDecrypt option, returns raw data
Crypt data whether Encrypted Data or Raw Data with kCCDecrypt or kCCEncrypt option and returns data based on requested option