Characteristic ZT_COMMANDS Note: Values must be sent LSB first (Little endian)
returns the general state in ZT_NOTIFY_DATA
Start new activity
Stop activity
Resend data from ST to SP (ex: 0x05 0x04 0x10 => Resend from 4 to 16)
Reboot the FW (R & L)
Get detailed battery information
Get R & L side hardware information
Get R & L side firmware information
Get Bootloader version
Set inactivity timeout
Select duration for chunk in minutes Valid range [1:15]
Select duration for chunk in seconds Valid range [1:900]
Selects algorithms to execute value of chosen algorithms Only possible when there is no activity in progress
Erase all chunks stored in persistent memory
Get timestamp
Passthrough command to algorithms
Erase chunks stored in persistent memory and reset the chunk ID to 0
Returns information about the current activity
Disable heating
Send heating target temp and enable heating
Right side temperature: uint16: temperature in degrees x 10 Right side temperature: uint16: temperature in degrees x 10 Set the heating timer value and enable/disable timer
Timer value in seconds uint16 Enable Disable flag: uint8: 1= enable 0=disable Get the target temperature set value
Get the heating timer set value
Start posture calibration
Set user parameters 0x46
Reset calibration info
Get calibration state (safety app)
Send raw data
Enable/disable raw data storage
Get the data offsets (data position and size) for a specific time range of rawdata
This command emulates CMD_RAWDATA_SEND It will return the requested amount of dummy rawdata.
Perform a MEMS calibration procedure. The exact procedure depends on the calibration type.
Clear permanently all stored MEMS calibration data for every sensor. It takes no arguments.
Cancel any ongoing calibration procedure. It takes no arguments.
Return the current calibration state as MSG_MEMS_CALIB_STATE message
Return the stored calibration data for each of the sensors (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer). It takes no arguments.
Send at a regular 0.5seconds interval, the averaged calibrated and uncalibrated raw data of each sensor as MSG_MEMS_CALIB_TEST_DATA messages.
Return or set the MEMS configuration (data rates, full-scale values, and enabled sensors). With no arguments, the command sends the current configuration as a MSG_MEMS_CONFIG message. The new configuration is volatile and will be lost if the module reboots.
Start DFU on right module
Start DFU on left module
Enables direct connection to the left module