provides methods to work with ZT devices.
“apiKey”, “apiSecret” and “appId” should be set before working with it.
BLE manager is responsible for finding and connecting to peripherals. It can be subscribed to be notified about its events.
SDK settings used in curent session
Last command sent to device
Last command response from device
Last activity id
Command status for left module
Current connected device
Serial number for last device connected
Last QR code used to connect
Is DFU in progrss
Delegate for DFU. It can be used to:
- track progress of DFU process,
- track DFU state ‘finished’, ‘failed’, left module finished DFU, right modeule finished DFU
Current DFU state. If state is readyForCopy - shoes can be rebooted to apply new firmware
Notify when firmware dfu status is updated If state is readyForCopy - shoes can be rebooted to apply new firmware
Notify about firmware upload progress
Notify when DFU finished for left side
Notify when DFU finished for right side
Notify when DFU finished
Notify when firmware was copied
Setup ZTCore client
- ZTParameters:
- apiKey: api key
- secret: ape secret
- appId: application id
- ZTParameters:
Clear user settings and data for current session. This method must be called when user is signed out.
Update SDK with organization code
Use this method when need to do BLE scanning among several devices and get them. You can inspect the result in completion handler.
Use this method when need to stop BLE scanning.
Use this method when having QR code and need to connect to certain peripheral. You can inspect the result in completion handler
- ZTParameters:
- viewController: Optional view controller to present from. Default: topmost view controller.
- completion: Optional callback.
- ZTParameters:
Register device on ZCloud and get device information
Try to reconnect to last saved device WARNING: this method won’t work if you set ZTSettings.shared.autoConnect = false
Check if there is connected ZT device You can inspect the result in completion handler.
- ZTParameters:
- completion: Optional callback
- ZTParameters:
Initiate background DFU flow
Start background DFU using file path
Update current firmware if there is new version available
Update current firmware from image in file system
Check if there is activity(s) with stop event and data not sent to ZCloud. It can be used when
ZTSettings.shared.shouldAutoResendData = false
Resend all saved embedded activities which were not sent It will send stop event and not sent chunk data for it